Saturday, July 23, 2022 - CANCELLED |
(July 12, 2022 - 06:00 PDT)
RARC Swap Meet for July 23 Postponed
The Richmond Amateur Radio Club (RARC) swap meet planned for July 23, 2022 has been cancelled with the event postponed to a later date.
At the RARC board meeting last night, a unanimous decision was made to not go ahead with the event due to unexpected circumstances such as delays in construction completion at the swap meet site and club members and participants not being available due to last minute unforeseen commitments.
Participants who have made payments for the swap meet will be refunded this weekend. We apologize to everyone who has confirmed attendance at the event for the inconvenience and thank all our sponsors for their ongoing support.
The RARC swap meet (and emergency communications equipment display) has been an annual event for the club attracting Amateur radio enthusiasts from the Lower mainland and Vancouver Island. We hope to find a more suitable date for our next event.
Urey, VE7URE
Event Coordinator
President, RARC