RARC Membership
Annual dues for Richmond Amateur Radio Club (RARC) membership help pay for general club operating expenses. Membership is valid for one year from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30. There are two kinds of RARC memberships: Regular and Associate.
REGULAR: Requires a Canadian Amateur radio qualification certificate and call sign. Only 'Regular' members have voting privileges, are entitled to all club benefits and can serve on the board of directors.
ASSOCIATE: New radio Amateurs who have successfully completed RARC radio course and received a one-year trial membership. 'Associates' are entitled to club benefits except voting privileges.
Base fee is $48, of which $13 is forwarded to Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) for member insurance. If you are already a member of RAC, then the insurance charge is included with your RAC fee and so your RARC club membership fee is reduced to $35. Membership dues can be paid by cash (e-Transfer), cheque (postal mail), or online (PayPal below).
New Membership or Renewal
$48 - Full fee if you do not have a RAC membership.
$35 - Basic fee if you are also a RAC member. (Insurance already paid with RAC membership.) |
The Richmond Amateur Radio Club (RARC) invites all those who are interested in Amateur radio to become a part of the local Amateur radio community by joining our organization.
To become a member of RARC, e-mail us the required membership info::
- Full name as registered on your certificate
- Call sign
- Complete mailing address
- Contact e-mail address
- Contact phone number
- RAC membership number if applicable
Club e-mail: richmondarc@cwthree.com
e-Transfer e-mail: rarc-payment@cwthree.com
Payment can also be postal mailed to:
Richmond Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 88061, Richmond, BC, V6X 3T6
Where Your Fees Go
Membership fees are used for club admin and general operations. Special programs such as maintennce of club station VE7GOG, volunteer appreciation and emergency communications are funded by extra-budget (or extraordinary) funds from club events, donations and grants.
The following is a breakdown of how and where your membership fee is spent as a percentage of the (2021-2022) budget.
7 % - Administration (registration, fees, etc)
18 % - Meetings (rooms, Zoom)
26 % - RAC insurance
14 % - Field Day (also food, coffee)
15 % - Communication (Web hosting, PO box)
10 % - Stationery (incl. promo materials)
10 % - Maintenance (VE7GOG, trailer)
Club Benefits
- Use of club station VE7GOG
- Participation in special events with Salmon Festival and GOG Societies
- Subsidized program courses and training
- 50% off GOG Cannery Society membership
- Club-funded pricing for club equipment
- Members group purchase discounts
Key Club Assets
- VE7GOG station: VHF/UHF, HF 10-20-40-80m
- Comms trailer: VHF/UHF, repeater
- Repeater (maintained by COR): VHF/UHF
- Grab & Go Kit: VHF/UHF, digital/packet
- Members with experience and know-how
- fun factor that could not be found elsewhere