2025 Basic Qualification Radio Course
Next Online Course
Sept. 27 to Nov 8., 2025

About the Radio Course
The RARC Basic Qualification course is structured around 15 hours of instructions with a curriculum based on 100 topics in the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) exam for the Amateur Radio Operator Certificate.
Classes will be on five Saturday mornings from September 27 with the exam on November 8, 2025, 9 am to 12 noon. There will not be any classes on Nov. 11 due to Thanksgiving Weekend.
Syllabus for the online version of this course includes additional audio-visual content, interactive presentations and reference handouts to help students obtain a better understanding of the Amateur radio topics and basic radio operations.
The classroom is an Internet-based, online environment using mainstream virtual conferencing tools (i.e. Zoom). Class size will still be limited to retain the quality of productive discussions and knowledge exchange.
Plans to conduct the exam in-person is carried over from the pandemic days when we discovered it is a good opportunity for students to physically meet the instrucors and other fellow students. Conducting the exam in an open food court area at a Richmond mall has proven to be a practical decision as there is ample free parking as well as convenient access from Canada Line stations.
One-to-one online examinations are available but that option will be used only if written exams are not possible. The Richmond location for the written exam will be confirmeded when we are closer to the exam date.
Registration fee for the course includes a course study guide, reference handouts, instructor notes, Government of Canada (ISED) Basic Qualification exam, and online registration of call sign upon passing exam. Successful students will each receive a one-year trial membership with RARC.
Payment of registration fee can be made electronically by either PayPal or Interac e-Transfer. Payment information is on the right-hand column of this page.

Richmond Malls turned out to be an ideal venue for writing exams as each student had his/her own table, there was good lighting from the adjacent atrium skylight and miniminal distractions at 9:00 am before the stores open. (Photo taken during Nov. 2023 exam)
Course Instructors
Classes are conducted by a faculty of instructors who are RARC members that are knowledgable and passionate about their respective Amateur radio subjects of interest. Some instructors are long-time radio operators and also hold Advanced and Morse Code qualifications. Classes usually have more than one instructor as well as other club members present to assist with the presentations and help answer questions from students. The exam will be conducted by RARC members who are Government of Canada ISED accredited (volunteer) examiners.
Why do you need a Basic qualification?
A Basic qualification certificate is required by ISED to legally transmit on allocated Amateur radio frequencies and is usually the first step into the Amateur radio hobby. Morse Code is a separate qualification and is no longer a requirement for a Basic qualification certificate. The Advanced(and Morse Code) qualification can be obtained for additional operating privileges after the Basic qualification.
Since many emergency communication services involve Amateur radio, volunteers (in Canada) will require a Basic qualification in order to operate on Amateur frequencies during emergency exercises and activation. As radio transmissions using HF bands are becoming more significant in emergency commmunications, it is recommended that Amateur radio operators possess at least Basic with Honours qualification (80%+ exam score) before volunteering with an Amateur radio emergency communications organization.