Club Activities
RARC activities in the community are grouped into three categories: outreach initiatives at public events to promote awareness of RARC and Amateur radio, radio communication support at local community public events, and volunteer emergency comunication activities with local emergency preparedness organizations using Amateur radio.
These events allow members to test their radio equipment while also improving radio operation practices and procedures. Members also make use of the club station VE7GOG to participate in radio contesting, repair equipment and test donated vintage radios and other items. There are also social activities throughout the year.
Happy Canada Day!
There is no parade for this year so we will celebrate with images from previous years' RARC participation in parade communication and route marshal activities on our special Steveston Salmon Festival Canada Day Parade page.
Canada Day 2012 - RARC members at briefing in front of radio communications net control table (located inside the Steveston CommunityCcentre) before proceeding to their assigned positions along parade route. Click on image for more RARC images from past Canada Day parades in Steveston.
Vantage point from 'hill' (actually old dyke) on GOG Cannery site overlooking Moncton St. eastward allows radio net controller to also have visual contact with part of parade route.
Long Day for RARC Members on July 1st
with Steveston Salmon Festival Canada Day Parade and RAC Contest
Once again members were at the Salmon Festival Hatchery shed at 6 AM to help parade marshals set up for arriving entries at Garry Point Park before heading to assigned radio communication positions along the parade route. Following the parade and a hearty lunch in the Seiner Room, compliments of Steveston Salmon Festival, some members headed over to the club station VE7GOG to join other members already participating in the annual RAC Canada Day Contest.
This is the first time that net control for radio communications at the parade was conducted outdoors. It's also the first time that the radio go-kit was deployed, presenting an opportunity to 'activate' the equipment and pushing the kit's SLA battery to its limit before having to bring out the generator from the nearby station (less than 100 metres away). The net control position on the 'hill' presents new options planning for next years parade communications.
Thank you for participting in
the special SSTV event to commemorate
50th Ann. of the Apollo 12 Moon Landing
Richmond ARC, with Burnaby ARC (and VECTOR) coordinated transmission of Apollo 12 images by SSTV (slow scan television) on Nov. 16, 2019 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the second moon landing of the NASA Apollo program.
Edited images from NASA photo archives were transmitted on the 2 metre (VHF) frequency of 145.500 MHz and was also tested on HF (20m) with limited success. Details about the special SSTV event are still posted on the RARC Apollo 12 SSTV Event Web page.
This is the second commemoration of the Apollo Program undertaken by the Richmond Amateur Radio Club. Recap of the July 2019 50th Ann. Apollo 11 SSTV event is on the RARC Apollo 11 SSTV archive page.

Amateur radio members from SEPAR and VECTOR talking to member from Canadian Forces 39 Signal Regiment outside South Arm United Church during the RARC Emergency Communications Display and Swap Meet on April 6, 2019. Bringing Amateur radio together with emergency communicaitons is what the event is all about.
Thank You to Our Sponsors, Exhibitors, Vendors and Club Members for Another Successful Communications Display and Swap Meet on April 6th 2019
This year's event, which took place again at the South Arm United Church in Richmond, attracted a greater number of exhibitors from the Amateur radio community and local emergency and communication programs to showcase their radio communications equipment. This unique event builds on the result of previous years’ initiatives to bridge Amateur radio with emergency communications with displays from Richmond, Vancouver, Surrey, Burnaby, Delta, Coquitlam, Langley and Abbotsford, and also The Salvation Army and Canadian Forces.
The event also creates opportunities for the general public to see how Amateur radio and emergency communications organizations from across the Lower Mainland play a role in the community’s emergency preparedness. Go to our RARC events Web site for our prize winners, other details, and more photos from the event.
World Amateur Radio Day 2021
(Excuse to get out and get together)
RARC members participating in 2021 World Amateur Radio Day (Apr. 18) at club station VE7GOG. Activities mostly remained outdoors with no more than two members at a atime permitted inside the radio 'shack.' This was the first event in 2021 where members were able to physically get together.

Click here for our
Next Radio Course |
What's Happening On the RARC Events Page
RARC Learning Program
Coverage by Richmond News (Sept. 2021)
Course Schedule |

Photos and commentary
from Nov. 27, 2021 event

Check out who won this

Mar. 21 - Weekly VHS Net (Tuesday)
19:00 - Radio net on RARC VHF repeater
147.140 MHz, +600 kHz offset, 79.7 Hz tone
(Goto Weekly Radio Net page for more info)
Mar. 23 - Tech Topics Thursday
19:00 to 20:00 - Online discussions on RARC projects or Amateur radio topics of interest
(Goto TechTopics Thursday page for more info)
Mar. 25 - ISED Basic Qulification Exam
09:00 to noon - Written exam at public venue in Richmond (location to be confirmed)
Mar. 26 - Simplex Sunday
13:00 to 14:00 - Check in to VE7GOG either by roving to as mobile or portable, or from home on simplex at 146.475 MHz.
(Goto Simplex Sunday page for more info)
Mar. 28- Weekly VHS Net (Tuesday)
19:00 - Radio net on RARC VHF repeater
147.140 MHz, +600 kHz offset, 79.7 Hz tone
(Goto Weekly Radio Net page for more info)
Mar. 30 - Tech Topics Thursday
19:00 to 20:00 - Online discussions on RARC projects or Amateur radio topics of interest
(Goto TechTopics Thursday page for more info)
Apr. 4 - Weekly VHS Net (Tuesday)
19:00 - Radio net on RARC VHF repeater
147.140 MHz, +600 kHz offset, 79.7 Hz tone
(Goto Weekly Radio Net page for more info)
Apr. 6 - Tech Topics Thursday
19:00 to 20:00 - Online discussions on RARC projects or Amateur radio topics of interest
(Goto TechTopics Thursday page for more info)
Apr. 11 - Weekly VHS Net (Tuesday)
19:00 - Radio net on RARC VHF repeater
147.140 MHz, +600 kHz offset, 79.7 Hz tone
(Goto Weekly Radio Net page for more info)
Apr. 13 - Tech Topics Thursday
19:00 to 20:00 - Online discussions on RARC projects or Amateur radio topics of interest
(Goto TechTopics Thursday page for more info)
Apr. 16 - Vancouver Sun Run
08:00 to noon - Radio comm. support for event
(Volunteer registration to be coordinated)
Apr. 18 - Weekly VHS Net (Tuesday)
19:00 - Radio net on RARC VHF repeater
147.140 MHz, +600 kHz offset, 79.7 Hz tone
(Goto Weekly Radio Net page for more info)
Apr. 20 - Tech Topics Thursday
19:00 to 20:00 - Online discussions on RARC projects or Amateur radio topics of interest
(Goto TechTopics Thursday page for more info)
Apr. 25 - Weekly VHS Net (Tuesday)
19:00 - Radio net on RARC VHF repeater
147.140 MHz, +600 kHz offset, 79.7 Hz tone
(Goto Weekly Radio Net page for more info)
Apr. 27 - Tech Topics Thursday
19:00 to 20:00 - Online discussions on RARC projects or Amateur radio topics of interest
(Goto TechTopics Thursday page for more info)
Apr. 30 - Simplex Sunday
13:00 to 14:00 - Check in to VE7GOG either by roving to as mobile or portable, or from home on simplex at 146.475 MHz.
(Goto Simplex Sunday page for more info)
May 2 - Weekly VHS Net (Tuesday)
19:00 - Radio net on RARC VHF repeater
147.140 MHz, +600 kHz offset, 79.7 Hz tone
(Goto Weekly Radio Net page for more info)
May 4 - Tech Topics Thursday
19:00 to 20:00 - Online discussions on RARC projects or Amateur radio topics of interest
(Goto TechTopics Thursday page for more info)
May 9 - Weekly VHS Net (Tuesday)
19:00 - Radio net on RARC VHF repeater
147.140 MHz, +600 kHz offset, 79.7 Hz tone
(Goto Weekly Radio Net page for more info)
May 11 - Tech Topics Thursday
19:00 to 20:00 - Online discussions on RARC projects or Amateur radio topics of interest
(Goto TechTopics Thursday page for more info)
May 13 - Richmon Public Works Open House
08:00 - Display booth set up with comm. trailer
May 16 - Weekly VHS Net (Tuesday)
19:00 - Radio net on RARC VHF repeater
147.140 MHz, +600 kHz offset, 79.7 Hz tone
(Goto Weekly Radio Net page for more info)
May 18 - Tech Topics Thursday
19:00 to 20:00 - Online discussions on RARC projects or Amateur radio topics of interest
(Goto TechTopics Thursday page for more info)
May 23 - Weekly VHS Net (Tuesday)
19:00 - Radio net on RARC VHF repeater
147.140 MHz, +600 kHz offset, 79.7 Hz tone
(Goto Weekly Radio Net page for more info)
May 25 - Tech Topics Thursday
19:00 to 20:00 - Online discussions on RARC projects or Amateur radio topics of interest
(Goto TechTopics Thursday page for more info)
May 28 - Simplex Sunday
13:00 to 14:00 - Check in to VE7GOG either by roving to as mobile or portable, or from home on simplex at 146.475 MHz.
(Goto Simplex Sunday page for more info)
RARC Christmas Lunch - Return to year end lunch get together after twy-year hiatus due to COVID-19 (Dec. 4, 2021)
Steveston Fesival of trees - RARC entry in GOG Cannery event with Amateur radio and satellite themed ornaments (Dec. 2021)
RARC Swap Meet - First Amateur radio swap meet event in Vancouver area since BARC event in March 2020 (Nov. 27, 2021)
World Amateur Radio Day at VE7GOG - First outing for online Basic course graduates to meet club members (Apr. 18, 2021)
VE7GOG Work Party - Re-installation of 80m dipole antenna (June 20, 2021)
First ever offering of online Basic course by RARC due to COVID-19 (Oct.-Nov. 2020)
Presentation to 12 Richmond Scouts on 'Use of radio for emergency comm.' (Feb. 26, 2020)
SSTV event with transmission of Apollo 11 images to commemorate 50th Anniversary of first moon landing (July 20, 2019)
Steveston Salmon Festival Canada Day Parade (July 1, 2018)
ARRL Field Day (June 23-24, 2018)
Richmond Public Works Open House (May 12, 2018)
CCM Secure Living and Safety Fair (May 5, 2018)
Emergency Communications Display & Swap Meet (Apr. 7, 2018)
Radio and Morse Code demonstrations by RARC for GOG Cannery summer programming 'Dots and Dashes' (Aug. 20, 2016)
First weekend Basic course developed at request of Scouts Canada Richmond Medical Venturers (Mar. 5-6, 2016)
ARISS Contact with ISS with H.J. Cambie Secondary students (Mar. 13, 2014)
Presentation to Duke of Edinburgh's Award session hosted by CCM on emergency radio communications (Nov. 22, 2013)
Presentation on RARC and H.J. Cambie Secondary ARISS project to BC Science Teachers Assoc. AGM (Oct. 25, 2013)